How’s Alcoholism Diagnosed? Treatment Center Orlando Florida

Orlando Vargas

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of death in the United States but the risks of death are far higher in heavy drinkers. According to a German study conducted for 14 years on alcoholics revealed that alcoholics are at a greater risk of death than smokers, with fatality rates higher in women. Moreover, the study also revealed that alcoholics tend to die on average 20 years sooner than the general public.

Another study by the University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future survey unearths from the Guttman scale that alcohol is a ‘gateway’ drug which leads to the use of tobacco, marijuana and other illicit substances.
Thus, severe alcohol dependence can ruin lives by having a major impact on occupational functioning, usual social activities, and/or relationships with others. If you feel someone you know is involved in alcohol abuse, approach them and let them know why their alcohol consumption is a problem. Usually, they would always deny the problem, leaving it up to co-workers, friends, spouse or relatives to recognize the symptoms and to take the first steps toward seeking treatment. Fair to say, denial is an important warning signal for alcoholism.

It is best to make an initial diagnosis and identify symptoms of alcoholism before you contact an alcohol rehab treatment center in Orlando Florida. There are certain criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association. To diagnose alcoholism among your family and friends, you need to closely observe the patient for a year for the following symptoms.

Tolerance For Alcohol

When an individual abuses alcohol, he/she would need larger amounts of alcohol to feel intoxicated. If you notice someone taking large doses of alcohol on a regular basis, he/she might be at serious risk. As alcoholism progresses, there is damage to the central nervous system and the liver which might reduce tolerance levels.

Withdrawal Symptoms

When an alcoholic stops drinking, it is highly likely for him/her to experience withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, insomnia, anxiety, or nausea. To avoid feeling any of this, a person may drink more. Sometimes, this drinking can be so frequent even during odd times of the day!

Drinking More Than What Was Thought

Alcoholics do not have control over how much they drink. In no time can they exceed more than a drink without even realizing.

Life Revolves Around Alcohol

For alcoholics, their main aim seems to be getting their hands on alcohol, preparing a drink and dousing it down. Most of their time is spent on using and recovering from alcohol consumption.

Letting Go Of Other Activities

Consistent alcohol abuse results in an individual unwilling to participate in recreational, social, or occupational activities that he/she previously enjoyed doing.

Persistent Usage despite Visible Deteriorating Effects

When physical and psychological symptoms are visible and individuals still won’t let of alcohol, they are severely alcohol dependent.

If you observe any of these symptoms, it best to take the alcoholic to an inpatient alcohol treatment center in Orlando Florida for a thorough examination by a health professional.

If you or a loved one is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, GET HELP NOW!! House of Freedom is a substance abuse treatment center in Orlando Florida. Contact us at 1-888-796-8040. God bless.

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