Top 3 Therapies for Drug Addiction

Orlando Vargas
“Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside.” – Unknown. 

Substance abuse is of the most brutal battles to fight. Addiction can destroy anything in its path and can tear families apart, sour relationships and disrupt lives and careers, and in some cases, tragically lead to death. It is now recognized as a complex disease, not just a personal failure or a lifestyle choice. It is also claiming more victims than ever before.

Devastating Numbers: How severe is the problem of drug addiction?

Data shows that 11.7% of Americans over the age of 12 use illegal drugs. In comparison, 14.8 million or 10.6% of them suffer from an alcohol use disorder. 2 million people, who make up 24.7% of those with drug addictions, are dependent on opioids, including prescription pain killers and heroin. According to reports from the Global Burden of Disease data source, illicit drug use leading to drug overdose is believed to have caused over 70,000 deaths in 2019 alone

Finding the Root Cause: Why do people get addicted?

Scientists have determined that our brain functions have a significant role in addiction. Illicit substances like drugs and alcohol cause a pleasurable high that affects us physically and psychologically. As humans, we want to experience the same high again and again. We chase that elusive feeling of reward or gratification by using and eventually abusing more of these illicit substances.

It is believed that the frontal lobes in our brain allow us to control our reward center. However, if our frontal lobes malfunction, we feel immediate gratification, and this response could push us towards addictive substances and behaviors. Other causes of addiction could be chemical imbalances in the brain or mental diseases, where one could use addictive substances as a coping mechanism to escape from the symptoms of their condition.


Drug Addiction


Reaching out for help: What is the role of drug rehabilitation centers?

People turn to drug rehabilitation centers to help them get through their difficult struggles to overcome their addictions. It is often challenging to control substance abuse all on their own, without the guidance of trained professionals. The first step in a battle against addiction is acknowledging that they have a problem and need help to overcome it.

Drug treatment centers generally recommend a medically supervised detoxification so that people can get through the withdrawal phase safely. This gets the ball rolling to correct the impulse control issues and the emotional or psychological reasons behind their addictive behaviors. They then focus on therapies that provide coping strategies to deal with the daily struggles one faces with substance abuse.

Some drug treatment centers offer a comprehensive in-patient treatment program, where all your needs are taken care of once you get admitted. From psychotherapy to counseling, support groups, family, and recreational therapy, all aspects of a patient’s recovery are covered by in-house experts and staff. Other centers may have outpatient facilities that offer regular counseling sessions and appointments with experts. At House of Freedom, we are proud to assist our patients and their families through inpatient and outpatient programs.


In Search of Solutions! 3 of the most effective therapies used to overcome addiction

      1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a specialized talk therapy that deals with the ways our behavior can be controlled and modified using the powers of cognition.

The treatment will help you focus on a conscious effort to change your thoughts and behavior patterns. Experts use their understanding of how their patients think and feel and the influences of the world and people around them to guide them through their addictive behaviors.

The first step in successful CBT is to understand the reasons behind addiction and the triggers that cause a relapse into harmful habits. Over time, specialists use talk therapy to help their patients work through their emotions. They also help them associate rewards and positive emotions with healthy life choices instead of harmful ones and try to break the cycle of addiction.

      2. Motivational Enhancement Therapy

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) focuses to WANT to change their behaviors for their health and well-being. While trying to quit using illicit drugs and alcohol, the first step is to inspire people to become more willing and confident to make uncomfortable changes in their life in the hope of recovery.


Experts in MET try to help their patients through the five principles:

  • Aid self-dependence: They encourage their patients to be confident in their inner strength and teach coping mechanisms to deal with their triggers and emotions instead of relying on addictive substances.
  • Accept resistance: They know that their patients will resist treatment at first and work to build trust and communication.
  • Avoid arguments: They avoid judgments and confrontations to encourage their patients on their recovery journey instead of slowing them down.
  • Acknowledge discrepancy: They allow their patients to witness the difference in where they thought they would be in life versus where they are in reality. This realization is a strong motivator for change.
  • Advocate empathy: They help their patients develop empathy for the people around them and show them how their behavior affects their loved ones to encourage them to stick with their addiction treatment


      3. 12 Step Support Programs

Twelve was developed in 1939 by a well-known support group for recovering alcoholics, Alcoholics Anonymous. Other programs have adopted the principles that deal with substance abuse like drug addiction in Narcotics Anonymous or support group therapy for compulsive behaviors like shoplifting or sex addiction.

A unique feature of a 12 Step Program is the focus on group settings for therapy. All the group members believe that the first step is admitting that they have a problem.

These programs also encourage a sponsor of newer members of the group. A sponsor is another addict in recovery, willing to share their experiences and guide others through their recovery.


At House of Freedom, we are equipped with the expertise and the tools required to guide people struggling with substance abuse. Our state-of-the-art, modern drug rehabilitation center offers both inpatient and outpatient services to help you or your loved ones overcome addiction.

Nuestro centro de rehabilitación de drogas de House of Freedom está equipado con todas las herramientas necesarias para guiarte a ti y los tuyos en el proceso de recuperación. Contáctanos para una consulta gratuita.


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