Drug Rehab Center Florida – The Nicotine Trap (Part 2)

Orlando Vargas

Part 2: Getting Treated

There are numerous options available for treating this addiction, at drug rehab center Florida, and yet it remains elusive and challenging to manage. The battle is not just about the cravings when it comes to nicotine. Drug rehab center Florida patients have said that quitting nicotine is as bad as quitting illegal drugs.

The Outlook for Nicotine Addicts at Drug Rehab Center Florida

Chewing or smoking tobacco is in direct conflict with your health interests. Cancers, cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases and stroke are among some of its fatal complications. And although the constant battle with altering lifestyles may appear as a bleak option to consider to drug rehab center Florida patients, this is beneficial for ending its chronic use.

Drug Rehab Center Florida Intervention and Detoxification

Both inpatient and outpatient rehab treatments, at drug rehab center Florida, are allowed for those seeking professional help. The former phase begins with a detox protocol where no consumption is allowed. The nicotine dose is adjusted during this and a ‘quit date’ is decided to make dealing with withdrawal symptoms easier at drug rehab center Florida.

It is in the nature of addictive drugs to cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when starting a detox at drug rehab center Florida. From individuals, these are likely to range from irritability, depressed mood, drowsiness, headaches, impatience, and restlessness to impairment of a wide range of cognitive and psychomotor functions, increased appetite and a decreased heart rate. These take form within 2-3 hours only. Those individuals who smoke longer or in greater frequency would have more withdrawal symptoms than those who do not. Even a switch from a regular to low-nicotine or a cut down on the cigarette number would be enough to trigger these.

Once the withdrawal part is completed effectively at drug rehab center Florida, the person is admitted to counseling sessions wherein healthy strategies are discussed to reduce the dependency. In a treatment program at drug rehab center Florida, understanding the root of their addiction cause is an essential trick to help people be successful in taking control of it. Therefore, it is also likely that such programs at drug rehab center Florida are designed to deal simultaneously with dependence on other drugs or alcohol as well.

If stress is the principal reason that had you or a loved one consider nicotine consumption, the treatment at drug rehab center Florida, plan out and ask of its patients for its implementation in daily life. Stopping to take a deep breath, getting involved in some physical activity like walking and stretching, talking to a support group or a friend if not family, reducing caffeine uptake and eating healthy and drinking lots of water are tips, that are taught at drug rehab center Florida, that actually work to calm one down.

At drug rehab center Florida counseling sessions they teach that, if smoking is favored just because you enjoy it, your confidence is heightened with this frequent reward, it gives you a way of socializing, becomes the distraction and a companion when you are lonely, or is an oral fixation, rethink your alternatives. Social support is vital when you are trying to break your nicotine addiction. Change your schedule and keep your mind as well as your hand and mouth busy. Keep notes instead that highlight your goal: the reason why you really want to quit.

Get Help at Drug Rehab Center Florida

You can get enrolled in a smoking cessation program or, in the earlier phases, may want to try the nicotine replacement therapy for gradual weaning at drug rehab center Florida. With special inhalers, gum, skin patch, nasal spray, throat lozenges that do not have the toxicity of nicotine and are available with or without prescription, it allows individuals to use them along with the other prescribed medicines (drugs for high blood pressure or antidepressants).

At drug rehab center Florida we are seeing that electronic cigarettes using water vapor are becoming popular alternative “safer” methods for a slow release of nicotine. Other psychological and behavioral treatment methods include cognitive-behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, and neuro-linguistic programming for tobacco users. Seeking to change perceptions and associated feelings, they have proved successful.

Relapse is a possibility with nicotine addicts. It is important that people try to judge their attempt as a positive one with the-more-you-try-the-more-you-are-likely-to-succeed philosophy. Providing a secure setting, telephone, individual and group counseling sessions, doctor’s supervision and medications for relief, and long-term follow-up, the drug rehab center Florida treat each case as a unique one for effectiveness as well as to ensure safety. While some may require a combination of methods, these will vary from one person to another.

House of Freedom is CARF Accredited, drug rehab center in Orlando Florida, which unlike traditional addiction treatment centers, we deliver substance abuse treatment center services that deal with the physical, mental, social, and spiritual component of drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Our alcohol and drug rehabilitation center has both inpatient drug rehab services and outpatient drug treatment in Orlando Florida.

If you or a loved one are in need of drug or alcohol addiction rehab treatment center in Orlando Florida, GET HELP NOW!! Contact us at 1-888-796-8040.

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