Alcohol Rehab | House Of Freedom

House of Freedom is a alcohol rehab Florida with vast alcohol treatment experience. Alcohol is the oldest intoxicating substance known to mankind and has become a part of our social lifestyle. Most of us enjoy a drink or two but for others, one drink is not enough. However, not all drinkers are alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who is incapable of functioning without the substance.

Alcoholism is defined as being physically dependent on alcohol and is known to be a chronic disease. The need to drink for an alcoholic is identical to us being hungry. As alcoholics progress with their addiction, they develop a tolerance which means that they have to consume more and more amounts of alcohol to get intoxicated. Withdrawing or not drinking can lead them to experience withdrawal symptoms which include sweating, delirium tremens, nausea and anxiety. In case the addiction is severe, these withdrawal symptoms can lead to the death of the person experiencing them.

Alcohol Rehab Florida – How Can Someone Become an Alcoholic?

Studies have attributed various contributing factors to developing an addiction. However, most common of these factors are social environment, psychological and genetic.

It is a proven fact that a history of alcoholism in the family increases the chances of getting addicted. Other psychological facts include inability to handle stress, depression and faulty coping mechanism. Social factors such as peer-pressure, glamorization of alcohol and exposure are known to increase alcoholism among teenagers and young professionals.

Alcohol Rehab Florida – How to Identify an Alcoholic?

Some of the signs through which you can identify an alcoholic are:

  • Drinking Alone
  • Frequent Blackouts
  • Low Appetite
  • Being Irritated When Not Under Influence

Alcohol Rehab Florida – How does Alcohol Affect the Brain?

Alcohol absorption largely depends on factors such as concentration of the drink and stomach contents. After absorption, alcohol is absorbed in the blood stream which is later transported to various body parts such as the lungs, kidney and liver. Alcohol is then broken down into acetic acid by the liver.

Some of the apparent signs of alcohol intoxication are lack of coordination while walking, impaired speech and memory blocks. Once introduced into the system, alcohol affects the brain and nervous system which causes lack of coordination.

Alcohol affects the brain by modifying neurotransmitters that are responsible for controlling our thought process, emotions and behavior. Alcohol causes the neurotransmitter to decrease brain activity and increases dopamine which results in intensification of pleasurable feelings.

The short term effects of alcohol include memory relapses while the long term effects are even more damaging. The long term effects include shrinkage of brain and impairment of brain communication that can lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome which is a known cause for thiamine deficiency.

Alcohol Rehab Florida – How to End Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a chronic disease and can be put to an end by seeking help and support. Most of the alcohol treatment centers in Florida offer comprehensive alcohol treatment programs that can depend upon the intensification and severity of the disease. Besides a therapeutic treatment program, these centers also provide ongoing support and wellness programs that help an addict reclaim control over their life and start their journey towards a better life.

House of Freedom is CARF Accredited, Christian drug rehab center in Orlando Florida, which unlike traditional addiction treatment centers, we deliver substance abuse treatment center services that deal with the physical, mental, social, and spiritual component of drug and alcohol addiction treatment.  Our alcohol and drug rehabilitation center has both inpatient drug rehab services and outpatient drug treatment in Orlando Florida.

If you or a loved one are in need of drug or alcohol addiction rehab treatment center in Orlando Florida, GET HELP NOW!!  Contact us at 1-888-796-8040.