Treatment Options for Drug Abuse at Drug Rehab Orlando

Orlando Vargas

There are many treatment options for drug abuse, all of which are very effective. Though any of these options can be availed, the results are more pronounced when a combination of them is used. Every drug rehab in Orlando offers these whether the treatment program is inpatient or outpatient.

General Drug Treatment

A generally treatment program comprises of educational sessions that provide patients with details of drug abuse and the associated risks. Therapy sessions are also held that are focused on helping the patient become sober and preventing a relapse. The session can either be conducted individually, with a group of other patients or with family members.

Drug Counseling

Counseling is also conducted at both an individual and a family level.  The sessions are taken by a psychiatrist, a physiologist or an addiction counselor. The main purpose of counseling is to help patients resist their cravings and prevent them from turning to drugs again.

There are also behavioral sessions that help a patient cope with his temptation by suggesting him alternative options that he can avail instead of reverting back to drugs. The patient is given advice to deal with his emotion, physiological, social, family or any other problems that led to drug abuse. Job, work issues, family relationships and personal ties are all discussed and suitable solutions are given.  Along with this, the patient is also given knowledge of a relapse and ways with it can be prevented.

In some treatment programs, the family members also receive counseling so that they can communicate with the patient in a better way and provide him with the support he needs.

Self – Help Groups

Almost every self – help group is based on the 12 step model that was first introduced by Alcoholics Anonymous. This group and other similar groups such as Narcotics Anonymous have been developed with the sole aim of helping addicted people. No matter what substance is used for abuse, these groups welcome people who are eager for a change in their lives and help them deal with their conditions.

The main aim of every group is to make the patient realize that addiction is like another chronic disease that can reappear in the form of a relapse if care is not taken. This includes post – treatment services such as counseling, group therapies or medications.

Drug Withdrawal Therapy

This is an important part of every drug rehab in Orlando. The main aim of a withdrawal or a detoxification therapy is to prevent the patient from taking the drugs as soon as possible in a safe manner. Treatment involves reducing the dose and frequency if the drug or replacing it with another substance like methadone on a temporary basis. Alternative substances that are used are not hat harmful for the patient and do not have any adverse effects.

Depending on the condition of the patient, detoxification is carried out at a hospital or a person’s own home. In some cases, it can even be conducted on an outpatient basis.


There are many medications that can help a patient manage his cravings and resist his temptation. Examples of these are Camparal and anti – depressants.

House of Freedom is CARF Accredited, drug rehab center in Orlando Florida, which unlike traditional addiction treatment centers, we deliver substance abuse treatment center services that deal with the physical, mental, social, and spiritual component of drug and alcohol addiction treatment.  Our alcohol and drug rehabilitation center has both inpatient drug rehab services and outpatient drug treatment in Orlando Florida.

If you or a loved one are in need of drug or alcohol addiction rehab treatment center in Orlando Florida, GET HELP NOW!!  Contact us at 1-888-796-8040.

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